Abstract: At Creative Methods, we try to “step outside
the box” and look at fundamental issues in our world with new
perspective. Under the issue Air Quality, we present EPA data as maps
and gradesheets that grade US counties A to F for 21 EPA measures of air
quality. The topics of air pollution and environmental health are
serious issues in the US, and result in pollution health effects including
headache, respiratory impairment, neurological impairment, mental impairment,
asthma, lung disease, chronic fatigue, immune system dysfunction, premature aging,
and reduced longevity. Environmental science monitors air pollutant
emissions, as well as criteria air pollutant concentrations through ambient
monitoring. The US Air Quality Gradebook (“AirGrades”) grades both
emissions and ambient concentrations on maps and gradesheets, and assigns
resultant composite scores to US counties. Air pollutants include
carbon monoxide, CO; lead, Pb; nitrogen dioxide, NO2; nitrogen oxides, NOx;
volatile organic
compounds, VOC; ozone, O3; particulate matter smaller than 10 micrometers in
size, PM10; particulate matter smaller than 2.5 micrometers in size, PM2.5;
ammonia, NH3; sulphur dioxide, SO2; hazardous air pollutants, HAP; diesel
emissions; and acrolein. Air pollution point sources include electric
power generating facilities and industrial plants. Area source
emissions include wildfires, forest fires, open burning, permitted burning,
structure fires, and fugitive dust. Mobile sources include highway and
off-road vehicles with internal combustion engines such as automobiles,
trucks, trains, airplanes, snowmobiles, and all terrain vehicles
(ATVs). The maps, gradesheets, and source sheets demonstrate that clean
air is at a premium in the US. Sites presenting issues on health and
the environment related to those presented under the topic Air Grades by
Creative Methods at CreativeMethods.com are Scorecard at Scorecard.com and
the Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, at EPA.gov.