and Recruitment at the University of Montana Need Improving
Prior to 1990, for a
century, Montanans and the University System thought that the university was
a right that should be available to all
Montanans. Now, somehow, exactly at a time when the university needs students
in the classroom, it denies that access to half of the young people in the
state -- and even thinks it's better to invite in Californians, in place of
those displaced Montanans. Isn’t it time to revert to that system that
honored the right of every Montana
In more detail:
The monetary situation of the university has nothing to do
with languages or other offerings in liberal arts, but rather
with recruitment and admission policies. One comparison is with Montana State
University (MSU) in Bozeman. A good summary of what MSU is doing is here in
an article in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle:
As this article explains, the administration of that university recognized in
about 2011 that it had a problem with enrollment and put a strong program in
place to address it:
“So, what's MSU's secret?
Part of the answer seems to be money. Part is hard work. And part is
understanding the feelings of teenagers and parents.”
They recognized the need to recruit non-resident students. They even did
things like offer partial exemptions to the cost of tuition to non-resident
students! The result is that since 2011, they have experienced an increase in
The total enrollment in MSU increased significantly since
2011, while that of UM declined:
The resident enrollment increased a little in MSU, but
declined in UM:
But the big difference was that MSU had a considerable
increase in non-resident enrollment:
These graphics are from here:
Of 16,703 students at MSU in the fall of 2017, 53% were from Montana, 43% from
other states in the United States, and 4% from foreign countries.
This is in striking contrast to the 87% of MSU students who were
from Montana in 1964.
The percentage of foreign students has been small and fairly stable at 4%
since 2011:
In other words, non-resident students are primarily from other states in the
United States, and not from other foreign countries. As indicated in the
Bozeman Daily Chronicle article, non-resident students come from all states
of the United States, but primarily from Washington, California, Colorado,
Minnesota, Idaho, and Oregon:

More detail about this
graphic can be found in this table:
Looking at the detail of the
sources of the enrollment increases at MSU from 2009-2017, we see this:

These data are from here:
More insight about the MSU
out-of-state students is provided in tables like this one that details their
out-of-state enrollment for fall 2017:
Of the 1,033 California
students, for example, 646 of them pay out-of-state tuition, and 126 are
undergraduates with reduced Western University Exchange (WUE) tuition -- but
222 pay Montana resident tuition. Regarding
the WUE, California is one of the states of this coalition, but just
because a student is from California, it does not mean that he/she
automatically gets the reduced WUE tuition. That is a highly competitive
program, and only the select 126 received the reduction. But – how are 222
California students paying Montana resident tuition?
It turns out that is one of
the factors attracting out-of-state students. In a description of the Montana
University System (MUS) residency requirements, the key phrases are these:
“With certain exceptions, in order to be eligible for in-state status, a
person must meet the required durational residency test identified in the
residency policy. . . . For all other students/applicants, the required time
period is 12 months. . . . However, if a person is registered for more than one-half of a full-time credit
load at any post-secondary school during the required durational time
period, a rebuttable presumption is created that the person is in the state
primarily for educational purposes and that period of time will not be
considered as part of the required waiting period and will serve to interrupt
any current waiting period unless the presumption is overcome.”
The straightforward idea is
that if you’ve lived in Montana for at least a year – other than being here just to attend the university – you’ve
gained resident status and from then on qualify for resident tuition.
But the statement about “more than one-half of a full-time credit
load” means that an out-of-state student can come to Montana, take one-half
of a full-time credit load, so 6 credits per semester for a year are
allowable, maybe work part time – including at the university -- and from
then on take a full load. In these registrar’s reports, MSU retains the
status as “Californian” of the student on entry to the university, even
though the student has become a Montana resident – which probably reflects
more accurately the reality of the strategy: most of these students will go
back to their home states or to other states on graduation. (Some of the
students in this category, perhaps a fifth of them, are “covered veterans”:
but that leaves about
four-fifths are getting the status by the means just described.)
Out-of-state students, like
from California, see the cost of Montana resident tuition of $5,490 per year
a great bargain compared to resident California tuition of $12,630 per year.
More generally, for all 7,134 out-of-state students at MSU for fall
2017, 1,444, or 20%, paid resident
tuition rates. MSU says it does not actively promote this strategy, but
somehow it’s well-known and this astonishing number of out-of-state students
take advantage of it.
As described in the
newspaper article in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, there are additionally $12.3
million dollars per year in tuition waivers that MSU grants to attract
out-of-state students, an average of about $1,700 per out-of-state student.
MSU does this because it considers it just a slight discount on the $22,000
per year non-resident tuition.
The end
result is that while MSU had this strong program of recruitment and admission
in place, the University of Montana (UM) did nothing, and the result is the
budget woes that UM finds itself in, versus the much stronger situation of its
sister university MSU.
Another factor that impacts the situation has to do with the requirements for
admission to UM, which are as follows:
“Primary Requirements
• An ACT composite score of 22
• or a SAT combined score of 1120 (1540 for tests prior to
March 2016)
• or a 2.50 cumulative grade-point average
• or a class rank in the upper half of your high school
graduating class”
If the university has severe monetary problems and suffers
severely from lack of enrollment, it seems counterproductive to reject
students. Up until very recently, Montana's university system thought it had
an obligation to admit any student who graduated from a Montana high school. As recently as 1989, the admissions requirement
read: “Graduates of any Montana high
school which is fully accredited by the State Board of Education are admitted
to regular standing. Montana residents who are graduates of non-Montana high
schools which are fully accredited by a regular accrediting agency are
admitted to regular standing.”
What happened with this? What the university needs is money,
and for that, it needs students who pay. If a student can pay, admit him! It
can easily be that a student who does not do much in high school finds
himself in college and does well. It is a matter of inspiration. It's a very
different environment from high school, which suits some students better.
The administration can argue "but the vast majority of those who
apply" are accepted. But the key phrase is "of those who
apply." If a student and his parents already realize that it is
impossible that it is going to happen because he has 2.0 as an average grade
instead of 2.5, it is not worth applying. Who knows how many students were
eliminated in this way? It can easily be thousands.
The requirement to be in the upper half of your class in high school means
that the policy denies the university education system to half of Montana's
youth. It is a very exclusionary policy and surely out of place in this
environment, when the system surely does not have problems with too many
As it worked traditionally it was quite simple and basic. The first classes
at the university were "sink or swim". If a student succeeds,
great!; if not, at least he tried. It was, all in all, a fair and just
The result of these policies is that
thousands of potential university students are not at the University of
Montana, and the budget shows it. It is an outcome of the policies of
recruitment and admissions to the university, and not of offerings such as
languages or other liberal arts.
Is the present exclusionary system really how Montana higher education
ought to operate? Isn’t it time to reopen the university system to any graduate of a Montana High School,
as used to be the case? Does the Montana University System really want to
tell half of Montana youths and their parents “sorry, we don’t care about you
. . . we’d rather support Californians”?
Or, as with UM’s approach, is it really preferable
to dismantle and shut down offerings rather than to change admission policy
and allow Montana young people to receive them and fill the classrooms?
Why not change the admission policy to admit all graduates of a Montana high school
to the university? Right now. Starting this summer. Why not open the
university to the half of Montana’s youth that are being denied it by the
current policy? – and let them fill those classrooms?
Isn’t it time to change these policies?